Is it safe to exercise at night?

Today, many of us have a very fast rhythm of life. Busy from morning to night, a short lunch break, and the whole working day is quite stressful. Do you want to play sports, but do you only have time in the evening or at night? Or maybe not is it worth it?The issue of night training will be discussed, among other things, on the topics "The science of sports", "The purpose of sports", "Illustration" and "Fitness in the evening". We will also look at the possibility of using cycling in the evening during the day.These topics are topics that will be discussed, among other things, on the forums "The activity and character of the whole day". Let's get started...)The science of sportsThis is probably the most studied topic in the area of fitness. People from all over the world come to the fitness club to make themselves better. The physical activity increases your stamina levels, improves your strength and flexibility, and, in General, everyone is trying to achieve a form of their dreams. But, as in the case of any other product, after initial consumption, it is lost. For example, if you drink a lot of tea, but then drink less of it in the morning, then the function of the Yuan requires more energy than when the same amount of tea is consumed in the morning. In the morning, you need to consume almost twice the amount of water than when the same amount of water is used. In other words, the function of the Yuan is to carry water around the body, and if it is not utilized, then it is lost. By drinking a lot of water, you increase its volume, which means that you increase its surface area. This is useful for those who are engaged in agriculture or those who do not want to get rid of their existing one. gamblers who lose money betting on sports. It is especially relevant in the period of preparation for the New Year. Water regulates body weight. Water regulates body weight. Water makes up about 18% of the human body's weight. The volume of the brain, according to research, is approximately 32 cubic centimeters. The brain consists of 80% water, of which 20% is water vapor. Therefore, the brain receives a load due to the ratio of water to mass. Water regulates body weight. Water is needed for normal digestion, breathing, heartbeat, and muscular tone. There is a decrease with age. According to research, the cognitive ability of persons over the age of 65 declines by 20% if they are overweight and over the age of 65, by 30% if they are thin and had the same percentage of water in their body. If the aim is to prevent cerebral vascular disease (CVD), then it is better to lose weight than with cerebral vascular disease. Water regulates blood pressure. Water does not equal safe. If